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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

I'm sorry I haven't posted to this blog in awhile I've just been really busy. I want to thank those of you who attended Full Moon Circle this fall and winter I think we got a lot accomplished this semester and my thanks goes out to you all. As I mentioned before FMC will not be meeting this summer, we may get together for one or two rituals but I haven't planned anything yet.
Those of you who attended the last couple of meetings know that I'm trying to start a video blog on YouTube but I've run into some problems regarding this. I've always been fascinated by all the advancements in computer technology that's happened over the years but like everything in life there's a downside to this. About three years ago I had some extra money so I asked some of my friends what they thought was the best computer for me to get. I decided to buy a Mac because most of the people I know who are musicians, or occultists use Macs.
Don't get me wrong I love my computer I just hate the fact that computer companies will go out there way to force you to buy a new computer every couple of years. I spent two thousand dollars on my current computer and because it's a couple years old Mac is purposely making most of their products incompatible to my current operating system. I tried to update my computer with the latest Mac OS X but it's now incompatible with my current computer. I guess they expect me to go and spend another two thousand dollars on a new computer.
With all the video-blogs that's on YouTube these days I decided I would start one of my own so I went to the Mac store and bought a web-cam thinking that I could use it to post videos on YouTube but as fate would have it it's also incompatible. In frustration I went to Best Buy and was able to purchase a small inexpensive web-cam from them that's semi compatible with my computer. I'm still experimenting with it and was successful in uploading a short video on MySpace but for some reason I'm not able to post it on YouTube.
I may be able to use my cell phone to post videos but in order to be able to save them on the web I was told I would have to pay an extra five dollars a month on my cell phone bill to do so. Sometimes I wonder if I should have majored in computer technology rather than music and philosophy they seem to be the one's making the big bucks nowadays. Anyhow I will keep everyone up to date to what's happening in regards to this, I may just pay the extra five bucks and call it a day but I haven't made up my mind yet.
Love is the Law: Merlin