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"And now I see the face of god, and I raise this god over the earth, this god whom men have sought since men came into being, this god who will grant them joy and peace and pride. This god, this one word: I." -Ayn Rand
Thirteen reasons why I'm not a Christian, a White light mystic or a Fluffy Bunny.
By MerlinRavenSong )0(
1) The Eastern Philosophers believe in Karma were as I believe in Fate.
2) Christians believe in denying the pleasures of the flesh. I believe in indulgence.
3) Christians believe in heaven and hell. I want to live forever.
4) Christians love their enemies but hate the sins they commit. I hate my enemies and believe in JUSTICE.
5) People of many faiths and religions worship Gods or Goddesses. I see divinity in nature (mother nature) EARTH, AIR, FIRE, WATER.
6) Christians believe in living a spiritual life. I believe in spirits.
7) Christians believe in self-sacrifice. I believe in the honor and respect.
8) Christians see god as external. I see GOD as internal.
9) White light mystics read only occult books. I read PLATO
10) Christians believe in faith. I believe in reason and rational self-interest.
11) Christians believe that god answers prayers. I believe we get what we deserve.
12) Christians believe in a god who is all-good and a devil that is all evil. I believe in nature, which is both cruel and kind.
13) Christians believe in good and evil. I believe good and evil is subjective NOT objective.
I think therefore I'm dangerous -Merlin