Current mood:

In case you guys were wondering the Danzig concert was great, every band that played that night gave a great performance and it was definitely a night to remember. The show was general admission so basically if you arrived to the concert on time and had main floor tickets you could have had the best seat in the house. One advantage to being in the front row that night was I was able to give Danzig high fives all night long during the show and that's the next best thing to meeting him personally. After the concert there were a lot of people waiting outside next to the tour buses to meet the bands after the show; I would have stayed but I had to go to work the next day so I decided to go home besides I think I'm getting a little to old for that kind of thing anyway.
One of the disadvantages of being in the front row is you feel like your in a fight with a hundred people because everyone wants to get close to the stage and they are willing to do anything to get there even if it involves taking your spot. The thing I found interesting is how many females actually tried to surf their way on stage that night I guess people don't really realize how dangerous this can be. I've been to a lot of concerts in my lifetime and I have witnessed way to many injuries from kids trying to force their way on stage to see their favorite rock stars only to end up breaking a couple bones or getting the shit kicked out of them by security.
For the most part the audience was tamer than usual because the security did a good job keeping everyone in line and I had a great time talking to them before the show, they had some wonderful stories to tell about fans who do some of the craziest things when they come out to see their favorite bands. One of the security guards said that he got into a fight with a drunk guy and ended up hitting the guy so hard that his teeth got stuck in his fist. I guess that's the price stupid people pay when they get a little to drunk and unruly at shows.
Personally I never really understood why concert halls think that selling liquor at heavy metal concerts is such a great idea. I understand they make a lot of money in doing so but to get a bunch of young adults drunk and encourage them to get excited throughout the show attracts way to much trouble in my opinion. People tend to fight more when their drunk, and it's a shame marijuana is not legal because if that were the case the kids would be too spaced to fight and think how much money these concert halls would make off of people having the munchies afterwards. This would be great at concerts that take place outside because there would be no health risks involved because the smoke wouldn't be stuck in one location.
Overall the concert was great and I had a great time, hopefully Danzig will tour more frequently in the future. The new brand of Black Metal bands are great but I still favor the old metal from the 80's.
Cheers: Merlin