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Category: Life

Every now and then as a college student I wonder were all the money I spend on tuition goes, well I can tell you one thing it doesn't go to exterminate cockroaches. Yesterday I saw the BIGGEST COCKROACH I ever seen in my life at school, it must have been as big as my hand. The roach was hanging out in the mens bathroom and when it saw me it didn't run it just stood there, I guess I invaded it's privacy so the roach stood its ground. I don't know if you guys have realized this but bugs have become increasingly more cocky nowadays. I had a centipede jump off the wall and attack me once just for looking at it but that's another story. Anyway back to my story, When I saw that the cockroach was not going to budge I decided to leave the bathroom at once. If your wondering why I didn't kill the cockroach lets just say that I didn't want to get splashed with yellow goo (remember this roach was as big as my hand). As I was leaving a guy came into the bathroom to use the toilet next to the roach and when I pointed out that the roach was in the next stall over it didn't phase him a bit, apparently some of his friends took a picture of the roach before I got there. I guess if your a fat disgusting roach you don't have to run you can pose for pictures.I've seen many roaches at my school and the one thing they have in common is their all fat and they never run. I remember leaving class one day and I saw one slowly crawling down the hall as if it were a student. If I had my cell phone I would have taken a picture of the roach in the bathroom and sent it to the dean. If things go on like this the roaches will grow as large as cats if not bigger. But there is a solution to this problem it's called RAID