In the past there have been a lot of people who ask me why I wear all black most of the time. There are a lot of reasons why I like to wear black and not all of them have to do with Witchcraft and the occult. I actually started wearing black back in the 80's because some of my favorite rock guitar players wore black most of the time. The two guitar players who stood out the most in my mind were Ritchie Blackmore of Deep Purple and Toni Iommi of Black Sabbath. Back in the early 80's I use to take guitar lessons at Wonderland Music, which was a local music store, in my neighborhood. My guitar teacher at the time would always come to our lesson late so while I waited for him I would thumb through all the guitar magazines. Those of you who play guitar know that one of the first songs we learn how to play is "Smoke on the Water" by Deep Purple, that's usually followed by Black Sabbath's "Iron Man". Both of these guitar players are well known for there involvement in the occult which I knew about at the time but I just liked the way they looked dressed in all black. There were other guitar players at the time who wore mostly black but those two stood out the most to me.
I liked the Goth music that was popular in the 80's but I was more of a Metal Head back then. I personally think I would look silly wearing black lipstick but I did use to dye my hair black even though it's already black. I use to rodie for a band whose members use to dye their hair black so I figured I'd do the same. Well after I realized that I didn't look that much different I stopped. I figured I could use the money for something else more worthwhile.
Witchcraft and the occult played a part in this as well but it wasn't the most significant part. I always liked the way gold and silver jewelry looked when I wore black shirts because they would bring out the beauty of the pendent I happened to be wearing at the time.
When people from the mundane world asked me why I loved to wear all black I would always tell them that black is beautiful. This has always been my little trick to stir the conversation in another direction rather than start talking about anything that has to do with the magick and the occult. This was my way of applying lesser magic to keep people from asking too many personal questions.
Those of you who know me beyond the Internet and MySpace know that I tend to wear black suits sometimes and there's a reason behind that also. One of the most fascinating figures for me has always been Count Dracula. He always dressed nice and wore mostly black like myself. If you paid him a visit he would always play the part of the gentleman because he was well cultured and courteous (keep in mind that in some mythologies vampires couldn't enter a home if they weren't invited). Dracula was always someone who stuck in my mind because he was always the best dressed and women were naturally drawn to him. This of course is yet another way someone can use a little lesser magic to influence the world around him or herself because the well-dressed man/woman will always go farther in life than the slob that has no fashion sense.
Love is the Law: Merlin