Don't Super Size Merlin
The other day I was at the mall and was a little hungry so I figured I'd stop and get something to eat. I stopped at this Chinese restaurant and figured I'd get something. The restaurant was one of those places where you tell the food server what you like while they make a plate for you. To my horror the lady fixing my plate added mass quantities of rice eggs, meat, mushrooms, shrimp and rice to my plate before I had a chance to stop her. The first thought that came into my mind was who the hell could eat all this food. It's no wonder so many Americans are over weight. The food companies seem to want us to eat more and more of their products.
Those of you who know me personally are aware of the fact that I cannot eat a large amount of food at once. My doctor even told me to not eat a lot of food because it wasn't good for me. I will never forget the night I was rushed to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack when it turned out to be heartburn. In case you're wondering a bad case of heartburn does mimic a heat attack.
Anyway, when I got my plate I was a bit ticked off at the bill but figured I would make the best of it so I was determined to eat every bit of food on my plate (which is nearly impossible for me to do). When I was done I could barely walk on account of all the food I ate. I guess I'm one of those lucky people who can eat just about anything and not gain any weight, but I'll be the first to say that I need to eat better. I've been making an effort ever since my hospital scare. It's all about fruits and vegetables and not the stupid junk food I've been guilty of eating over the years.
From now own I'll make my own plate.
Live long and prosper: Merlin )0(