It seems as though someone in my neighborhood knows that I'm a Witch. They left some kind of flyer for me on my car inviting me to go to their church. I'm not the kind of person who has a bunch of stickers on my car announcing to the world "I'M A WITCH LOOK AT ME", but I do keep a small little goat and green witch on my dashboard. There really small and cute and you can only see them if your close up. That tells me that the person who left the flyer was peeking through my window outside my house. If I catch the person who is doing this we will see if the myth is true. I'm referring to the one were if you strike a Xian they have to turn the other cheek. If Jesus were alive today he would be dancing in the woods drinking wine with the Pagans. I doubt he would be in some million dollar church dressed in a three piece suit telling all the sinners there going to hell. He would be more concerned with what were doing to the environment rather than concerning himself with who's attending church.
"Free your mind and your ass will follow; the kingdom of heaven is within".-George Clinton