There are still a large number of people out there who view men with long hair as being soft or less manly than others. There are others who think your trying to imitate some rock or pop star, (in my case it has always been Prince or Michael Jackson). I do admire these two performers but I'M NOT TRYING TO BE THEM. I even had a guy try to run me over with his car because my hair in some way offended him. This of course was a bad idea on his part (never piss off a Witch whose idea of the Threefold Law is "HIT THEM BACK THREE TIMES AS HARD)". In a perfect world I would wear my hair down all the time and wear my pentacle in full view. However there is this thing called *COUNTERPRODUCTIVE PRIDE* which causes me to think twice when I deal with the public at large. Some people have low I.Q's and unfortunately we have to deal with these people daily. Rather than waste my time fighting with these idiots I do my best to avoid them altogether. When I'm among friends I let my hair down and relax, when I'm around the general public do not wish to draw too much attention to myself. I keep to myself and avoid the "Sheepeople" (people who have a heard like mentality). It says in the bible that the sheep are divided from the goats and that's what I'm metaphorically, I'm a "Mountain Goat" who rests on the cliffs where idiots are unable to reach. Believe me when I say that it makes life a whole lot easier following this philosophy.
Free your mind and your ass will follow: -MerlinRavenSong )O(