A perfect example of this is the fact that I like to wear my hair long and it is something I've been doing since the 70's. Most woman seem to like it but there are some men who view it as being too feminine. They see it as a sign of weakness and will call me out on it. I have always been a bit androgynous and if people can't deal with that part of me then they can go fuck themselves. There are much more pressing issues in life than getting upset with the way a person wears his hair.
Another example of this my involvement in the occult. Most people know that I'm a Witch and you can not separate that from me because it's part of who I'm. When people find out about this they automatically think that I'm evil and if they were friends of mine they are no longer which is fine by me. I have zero tolerance with people who have an issue with my religion and try to force their religion on me.
The one interesting thing that fascinates me about some of the people I meet is they know that there's something different about myself but are not able to put their finger on it. They subconsciously feel that there is something wrong and they dislike me for that reason alone. Well that's fine with me because they can just stay the hell out of my world and I will likewise stay out of there's.
I only let certain people into my inner circle and those people tend to be musicians, artists, occultists, or people who genuinely interest me on some level. I am not (no have I ever been) a "PEOPLE PERSON" and I will go as far as to say that I am a misanthrope (look it up). Some people may view this as a personality disorder but I don't because it keeps me from wasting my time with people who have nothing to offer me. I will go out on a limb for people I consider to be my friends or people who share a lot of the same interest I do. The rest of society I tend to distance myself from because their beliefs are incompatible with mine.
So for those of you who happen to meet me in real life and for what ever reason have a problem with me that's ok so long as you disappear from my life once we meet. Believe me when I say I have more disdain for you than you can ever have for me. Now for those of you who I do consider to be my real friends and associates my hat goes off to you. These are the people who add something to my life and I cherish you.
Love is the Law: MerlinRavenSong )0(